The second phase from English lesson in STMIK Bidakara,one week ago , in 14th December 2009 , that the have a presentation that present by three group, but today , five group were taken a part in this session .
First group for today , came from Risca and friend that presentation is BIDAKARA BREAKING NEWS with theme Mobile Phone from Time to the Time . That group crew is Siti Nurlaila as the New Reporter on Studio, Andre Julianda as the Reporter News , Agus Salim and Risca Setiawati as the Local Citizen.

Second group is from Fitri and friends group , that presentation about GOSSIP GIRL , like a Gossip show, in this group that i very interest here it is them presentation . I presented Gossip Girl with the crew is Fitri Wandasari , Chika Sharanomita, and Niftha Gemilang Sari . Here it is their face :

Niftah : Welcome to the gossip girl, with me, niftah and my partner, chika and fitri
Today we have a lot of hot and update news about our artists are very fond when you miss it.
but before we see the headlines, we will show 30 seconds hot news updates that will be displayed by my partner. Please chika..
Chika : Haii. meet again with me, chika you must be wondering what headline will be displayed in 30 seconds hot news update. Let's get started ..
Chika : The first rumors came from maria ozawa a.k.a miyabi ..
Beautiful artist from Japan, Maria Ozawa a.k.a Miyabi, will play the film in Indonesia. In contrast to her status in Japan is famous for his blue films, in Indonesia, Miyabi will play for the movie as we know “Menculik Miyabi”.

Chika : The next rumor! comes from Ashraf sinklair which will hit the news related to the deportation of his visit to the South Jakarta immigration office. Permitting foreign nationals such as Ashraf was not very easy, so that is not enough in a matter of hours. Sinetron striping player “ Cinta dan Anugerah “ who was not give any confirmation about what had happened. Yeah let's wish may soon finish Ashraf deportation problem. so that he can still stay in Jakarta.

Chika : We went to the last gossip, gossip from the artist's last come sexy, Aura Kasih, she is already has a lover. but they are still silent about their relationship. Hmm .. makes us wonder ..

OK so 30 seconds hot news updates, back to niftah.
Niftah : Back to me, then we enter our headlines to be presented by my partner, Please fitri ..
Fitri : Thanks niftah. we enter our main news coming from some of our artists.
Gosip Tamara
Not over custody conflicts Rasya, complete woman named Tamara Natalia Christina Mayawati is back exposed Bleszynski not pleasant gossip about his relationship with an international model named Mike Lewis. Rumors are also mentioned she was pregnant only considered the wind and by the woman who became converts when married to Joey on December 1, 1997 ago.
Associated relationship with handsome actor Mike Lewis, the beginning of November 2009, came the news if they had married secretly. However, when confirmed, the news was denied by the Manager of Tamara.

Long did not appear in acting, Tamara returned to acting. Unmitigated he dared to look sexy in the movie “AIR TERJUN PENGANTIN”. Even in film director by Rizal Mantovani, Tamara appeared in her sexy clothe. However, for Tamara, who reportedly gets paid Rp1 Billion in film production Maxima, he just happened to play a sexy character
Robert pattinson

Complete man named Robert Thomas-Pattinson was born in London, England on May 13, 1986. Although already had starred in many films, but the new Robert's career really rose when he starred in a movie called TWILIGHT actually adapted from a novel of the same name.
After various rumors about the proximity of Robert with Kristen Stewart, finally in mid-June 2009, they caught the middle of establishing a special relationship. Reportedly, Stewart risked his relationship with his girlfriend decided earlier, in order to establish a relationship with Robert.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will marry. Not surprisingly, the movie star couple The Twilight Saga: New Moon was indeed long rumored to dating.
Still said the source, Rob was 23 years old and 19-year-old actress is getting married in London or Vancouver. The reason there early seeds of their love grow..
Hmm.. very exciting gossip..
Niftah : Seems all the news we have made, and seems 7 minutes have passed, do not forget to Gossip Girl every Monday at 10 o'clock your favorite TV channels.
say no to drugs and stay tune with our channel.
All : Thanks for watching , and see ya
Thats the presentation from second group for today . And the next group is Isna and friends with Jakarta's Air Pollution . They are very good in presenting their theme. Okay , after their the fourth group is Haidar and friends with theme 'Dialogue about Bussiness computer' . And the last group is Iqbal and friends, they are good in video performance , but speechless , many of them didnt say anything , just Arrie Wicaksono speaking in that presentation with iqbal's group.
Thats all for today , and dont forget to look up for new activity in our campus STMIK Bidakara ^^ . See ya..~
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